I have written a script to do a failover of DRBD resources. This script will get the drbd start mount the partition,
and start the nfsserver and samba server and the get virtual IP setup.
This script won’t be useful for many, which are having a mix envrionment. such as node having some resource as primary and some as secondary.
Reason behind this, that we where not able to use pacemaker in our current enviornment. Though we are not using this in production enviornment.
Put this in your systemd bootup process. check this
#!/bin/bash# Ashish Jaiswal# Date 16th Dec 2014# This script expects the primary host to be primary node# for all the drbd resources.# List of resource on the node.res=$(cat /etc/drbd.d/*.res | grep resource | cut -d " " -f 2)# eth1 is the interface which we going to assign floating IPdevice_id=eth1
# This is the floating IPip=""function services (){# Declaring an array of the services, we want to be stop or startservice_name=(nfsserver smb nmb)for var in ${service_name[@]}do systemctl is-active $var| grep ^active > /dev/null
if[$? -ne 0];then systemctl $1$varfidone}function check_ip {# Check whether the ip is present or notprimary_ip=$(ip -o -4 addr show $device_id| awk -F '[ /]+''/global/ {print $4}')# Add ip if is not present if[ -z $primary_ip];then ip address add $ip dev $device_idfi}function mount_status { mountpoint -q /$1if[$? -ne 0];then mount /$1fi}function drbd_failover { drbdadm primary --force $1if[$? -ne 0];thenecho -e "There seems to be some major problem,\nPlease login to `hostname` and fix the error."| mail -s "DRBD failover Unsuccessful" ashish1099@gmail.com
exit 1
fi}for resource in $res;do# To get the current state of the resources.pri_roles=$(drbdadm role $resource| cut -d "/" -f 1| egrep "Unknown|Primary|Secondary")sec_roles=$(drbdadm role $resource| cut -d "/" -f 2| egrep "Unknown|Primary|Secondary")# If the node has a primary resourcesif[$pri_roles= Primary ]then mount_status $resource services start
echo"This is primary node for $resource resource on `hostname`"fi# If the node has a secondary resourcesif[$pri_roles= Secondary ]||[$pri_roles= Unknown ]then ping -c2 $ip > /dev/null && mountpoint -q /$resourceif[$? -ne 0]thenif[$sec_roles= Primary ]thenecho"$resource is available on Primary, This is a secondary node."fiif[$sec_roles= Unknown ]then drbd_failover $resource mount_status $resource services start
logger "Successfully moved drbd resources $resource and started nfs and samba on `hostname`"echo"Successfully moved drbd resources $resource and started nfs and samba on `hostname`"| mail -s "DRBD Successful Failover" ashish1099@gmail.com
fiif[$sec_roles= Secondary ]thenecho -e "Split brain detected, Please fix manually\n\nAll these command need to be ran\n# drbdadm secondary <resource>\n# drbdadm connect --discard-my-data <resource>\n\nOn the other node (the split brain survivor), if its connection state is also StandAlone\n# drbdadm connect <resource>\n\nHere is drbd doc link http://www.drbd.org/users-guide/s-resolve-split-brain.html"| mail -s "DRBD SplitBrain Detected" ashish1099@gmail.com
fielse services stop
logger "This is seconday node of $resource. So nothing to be done on this server, because Primary is Active at this moment"fifidone